Thursday, 5 May 2011

Concept Electric powered wheelchair

Electric powered wheelchairs are the only way of movement for too many disabled users. But motorized wheelchairs never really changed much from classical wheelchair design and concept – which is more than 100 years old.. Because of this, they are often also very expensive, and inaccessible to many, especially in developing countries.
But new concept designed by s Ju Hyun Lee, gives hope to change all that. Their proposal for solution is named NEWS (New Electric Wheelchairs) and is still in concept phase.
The main idea and technological breakthrough is that this is not self standing electric powered wheelchair, but rather a motorized wheelchair add-on for existing manual wheelchairs. So it actually does not want to replace your existing electric wheelchair; rather it is attached to the standard wheelchair. NEWS gives instant electric motorized power to wheelchair.
Also the design of the concept is clean, well-thought and robust. It brings the design of 21st century to assistive devices. If NEWS concept becomes a reality, it will definitely change the industry.

Price wise not much is known, but it should not be expensive – meaning that once mass productions starts, we should see it at very competitive price point, which will make electric wheelchairs available to broader masses of people in need… Meaning it should be perfect for end users and also hospitals, therapy centers and nursing homes…


  1. It looks like much robotic and plays a vital role for person who has capability of walking.

  2. As we human lives longer and longer in most part of the world. Robots will play more and more important role in our society.

  3. Beautiful! If you are fond of contemporary products I'd advise checking the folling link: Hope you enjoy it!
